Monday, September 8, 2008

My weekend (positives and negatives)

My weekend (positives and negatives)
Red Sox

+ First and foremost, hanging out with Greg Bacon. I miss that dude so much.
+ The First Step (even tho it was their last show)
+ Hangin with Thorns and LOLin @ future Holy Terror prospect bands
+ Todd Pollock
+ Wrench
+ Jeff Hess
+ Jeff Start Today
+ Michelle WB
+ Jay Haas
+ Greg Bacon
+ Baltimore friends :)
+ Greg Bacons iPod ("Hey, wait a minute. Aren't you--" ... "Yup.")
+ Saw old friends from all over the place... Clevo, CT, NH, MA, PA, CA, etc etc
+ Youth Of Today cover
+ Turning Point cover
+ Unity cover
+ Carpooling to Hardcore shows
+ Sleeping in
+ mini roadtrip with friends <3
+ that storm wasn't all that bad, and we saw like 3 huge rainbows.
+ Brooke laughed at 2 jokes (Its better than zero)
+ Aram telling us a classic story from a Champion tour (LOL)
+ Jeff Hess gave me a record for his new band, Right Idea. Siked for him!
+ Good food all weekend
+ Rita, Mike, Lina, Jeff
+ Saw a girl get punched in the face twice right across the street from my house Sunday night
+ Rittenhouse Sq.
+ Football season starts
+ Patriots won
+ Sox are now 1.5 games out
+ Late night bike ride to end the weekend


- Tom Brady out for the season in the first game :(
- Last shows are always sad
- Colbys pool party canceled because of the storm
- Missed JoeHxC's party
- Missed the first 2 bands
- Saying goodbye to old friends who I probably wont see for another few years
- Being wetter from sweating than from some fake ass tropical storm
- Sox lost their only game of the year to the Rangers
- Unpredictable knuckleballers
- Fake ass Amish people
- Sonic being closed (aka NOT OPEN LATE)
Now playing: Band Of Horses - Lamb of the Lam (In The City)
via FoxyTunes

Thursday, August 28, 2008


The Problem ---> Feasible Solution ---> The Problem II.

I'm starving ---> Eat food ---> We have no food in the house.

Terrible day at work ---> Ride motorcycle ---> Motorcycle is in the shop.

Its dark in my room ---> Turn on a light ---> I don't want to get out of bed.

I'm bored ---> Watch a movie ---> I don't feel like turning the TV on.

I need to do laundry ---> Stop being lazy ---> I'm lazy.

I need to learn our new song ---> Pick up the guitar ---> I'd rather play xbox.

The new Fucked Up record rules ---> Whats the problem? ---> Hipsters found them.

Now playing: Fucked Up - Magic Word
via FoxyTunes

Friday, August 15, 2008

I think I'm gonna start blogging again?

Its been like a million years since I've entered anything in this fucker, and that kind of bums me out. I guess I've been busy doing nothing, so thats understandable =D

I don't remember what my last post was, but its probably got something to do with baseball or bicycles or maybe even ice cream. At least I hope its one of those things.

A lot has gone on in since I've last posted, so I'll give a brief "howdayado" as we used to call it back in the day M I RITE?

- I turned 28 on May 3
- My best pal Nick moved to NYC & I hardly see him anymore :(
- I signed another year lease at 1310
- I got a new iPod (160 gig!!! UR MOSHIN, or maybe thats just me)
- I started using Facebook (
- The Sox traded Manny
- I went to a few Sox games this summer
- I've expanded my musical horizon (don't get too excited, HC still reigns supreme)
- I started a new band!!!!!!!! I'm so siked on it!
- I got 3 new pairs of sunglasses in the past 3 months. Life's ill.
- Hot Water Music started playing shows again and I went to see them.
- More stuff. Lots more stuff.

Talk soon?

Now playing: Portishead - Undenied
via FoxyTunes

Thursday, January 10, 2008 aka Curt Schilling, you geek

So one of baseballs favorite sons, Curt Schilling, says he has a retirement plan. As you know, The Sox have him for one more year of off speed, split fingered hardball goodness. Then? Oh you know, just running some ultra nerd online video game thing. But this isn't a video game like, say Tetris or Super Mario Brothers...

This is one of those ULTRA nerdy "create your second life online" types of games. You know, the ones people sometimes kill themselves over when their character dies in the game?

Or this guy

Don't get it twisted, I like video games, but that shit is just nerdy. Oh well.